Source code for sox.combine

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Python wrapper around the SoX library.
This module requires that SoX is installed.

from __future__ import print_function

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union, Optional, List

from typing_extensions import Literal

from . import core
from . import file_info
from .core import ENCODING_VALS, EncodingValue
from .core import SoxError
from .core import SoxiError
from .core import VALID_FORMATS
from .core import is_number
from .core import play
from .core import sox
from .log import logger
from .transform import Transformer

    'concatenate', 'merge', 'mix', 'mix-power', 'multiply'

CombineType = Literal['concatenate', 'merge', 'mix', 'mix-power', 'multiply']

[docs]class Combiner(Transformer): '''Audio file combiner. Class which allows multiple files to be combined to create an output file, saved to output_filepath. Inherits all methods from the Transformer class, thus any effects can be applied after combining. ''' def __init__(self): super(Combiner, self).__init__()
[docs] def build(self, input_filepath_list: Union[str, Path], output_filepath: Union[str, Path], combine_type: CombineType, input_volumes: Optional[List[float]] = None): '''Builds the output_file by executing the current set of commands. Parameters ---------- input_filepath_list : list of str List of paths to input audio files. output_filepath : str Path to desired output file. If a file already exists at the given path, the file will be overwritten. combine_type : str Input file combining method. One of the following values: * concatenate : combine input files by concatenating in the order given. * merge : combine input files by stacking each input file into a new channel of the output file. * mix : combine input files by summing samples in corresponding channels. * mix-power : combine input files with volume adjustments such that the output volume is roughly equivlent to one of the input signals. * multiply : combine input files by multiplying samples in corresponding samples. input_volumes : list of float, default=None List of volumes to be applied upon combining input files. Volumes are applied to the input files in order. If None, input files will be combined at their original volumes. Returns ------- status : bool True on success. ''' file_info.validate_input_file_list(input_filepath_list) file_info.validate_output_file(output_filepath) _validate_combine_type(combine_type) _validate_volumes(input_volumes) input_format_list = _build_input_format_list( input_filepath_list, input_volumes, self.input_format ) try: _validate_file_formats(input_filepath_list, combine_type) except SoxiError: logger.warning("unable to validate file formats.") args = [] args.extend(self.globals) args.extend(['--combine', combine_type]) input_args = _build_input_args(input_filepath_list, input_format_list) args.extend(input_args) args.extend(self._output_format_args(self.output_format)) args.append(output_filepath) args.extend(self.effects) status, out, err = sox(args) if status != 0: raise SoxError( "Stdout: {}\nStderr: {}".format(out, err) ) else: "Created %s with combiner %s and effects: %s", output_filepath, combine_type, " ".join(self.effects_log) ) if out is not None:"[SoX] {}".format(out)) return True
[docs] def preview(self, input_filepath_list: List[Union[str, Path]], combine_type: CombineType, input_volumes: Optional[List[float]] = None): '''Play a preview of the output with the current set of effects Parameters ---------- input_filepath_list : list of str List of paths to input audio files. combine_type : str Input file combining method. One of the following values: * concatenate : combine input files by concatenating in the order given. * merge : combine input files by stacking each input file into a new channel of the output file. * mix : combine input files by summing samples in corresponding channels. * mix-power : combine input files with volume adjustments such that the output volume is roughly equivlent to one of the input signals. * multiply : combine input files by multiplying samples in corresponding samples. input_volumes : list of float, default=None List of volumes to be applied upon combining input files. Volumes are applied to the input files in order. If None, input files will be combined at their original volumes. ''' args = ["play", "--no-show-progress"] args.extend(self.globals) args.extend(['--combine', combine_type]) input_format_list = _build_input_format_list( input_filepath_list, input_volumes, self.input_format ) input_args = _build_input_args(input_filepath_list, input_format_list) args.extend(input_args) args.extend(self.effects) play(args)
[docs] def set_input_format(self, file_type: Optional[List[str]] = None, rate: Optional[List[float]] = None, bits: Optional[List[int]] = None, channels: Optional[List[int]] = None, encoding: Optional[List[EncodingValue]] = None, ignore_length: Optional[List[bool]] = None): '''Sets input file format arguments. This is primarily useful when dealing with audio files without a file extension. Overwrites any previously set input file arguments. If this function is not explicity called the input format is inferred from the file extension or the file's header. Parameters ---------- file_type : list of str or None, default=None The file type of the input audio file. Should be the same as what the file extension would be, for ex. 'mp3' or 'wav'. rate : list of float or None, default=None The sample rate of the input audio file. If None the sample rate is inferred. bits : list of int or None, default=None The number of bits per sample. If None, the number of bits per sample is inferred. channels : list of int or None, default=None The number of channels in the audio file. If None the number of channels is inferred. encoding : list of str or None, default=None The audio encoding type. Sometimes needed with file-types that support more than one encoding type. One of: * signed-integer : PCM data stored as signed (‘two’s complement’) integers. Commonly used with a 16 or 24−bit encoding size. A value of 0 represents minimum signal power. * unsigned-integer : PCM data stored as unsigned integers. Commonly used with an 8-bit encoding size. A value of 0 represents maximum signal power. * floating-point : PCM data stored as IEEE 753 single precision (32-bit) or double precision (64-bit) floating-point (‘real’) numbers. A value of 0 represents minimum signal power. * a-law : International telephony standard for logarithmic encoding to 8 bits per sample. It has a precision equivalent to roughly 13-bit PCM and is sometimes encoded with reversed bit-ordering. * u-law : North American telephony standard for logarithmic encoding to 8 bits per sample. A.k.a. μ-law. It has a precision equivalent to roughly 14-bit PCM and is sometimes encoded with reversed bit-ordering. * oki-adpcm : OKI (a.k.a. VOX, Dialogic, or Intel) 4-bit ADPCM; it has a precision equivalent to roughly 12-bit PCM. ADPCM is a form of audio compression that has a good compromise between audio quality and encoding/decoding speed. * ima-adpcm : IMA (a.k.a. DVI) 4-bit ADPCM; it has a precision equivalent to roughly 13-bit PCM. * ms-adpcm : Microsoft 4-bit ADPCM; it has a precision equivalent to roughly 14-bit PCM. * gsm-full-rate : GSM is currently used for the vast majority of the world’s digital wireless telephone calls. It utilises several audio formats with different bit-rates and associated speech quality. SoX has support for GSM’s original 13kbps ‘Full Rate’ audio format. It is usually CPU-intensive to work with GSM audio. ignore_length : list of bool or None, default=None If True, overrides an (incorrect) audio length given in an audio file’s header. If this option is given then SoX will keep reading audio until it reaches the end of the input file. ''' if file_type is not None and not isinstance(file_type, list): raise ValueError("file_type must be a list or None.") if file_type is not None: if not all([f in VALID_FORMATS for f in file_type]): raise ValueError( 'file_type elements ' 'must be one of {}'.format(VALID_FORMATS) ) else: file_type = [] if rate is not None and not isinstance(rate, list): raise ValueError("rate must be a list or None.") if rate is not None: if not all([is_number(r) and r > 0 for r in rate]): raise ValueError('rate elements must be positive floats.') else: rate = [] if bits is not None and not isinstance(bits, list): raise ValueError("bits must be a list or None.") if bits is not None: if not all([isinstance(b, int) and b > 0 for b in bits]): raise ValueError('bit elements must be positive ints.') else: bits = [] if channels is not None and not isinstance(channels, list): raise ValueError("channels must be a list or None.") if channels is not None: if not all([isinstance(c, int) and c > 0 for c in channels]): raise ValueError('channel elements must be positive ints.') else: channels = [] if encoding is not None and not isinstance(encoding, list): raise ValueError("encoding must be a list or None.") if encoding is not None: if not all([e in ENCODING_VALS for e in encoding]): raise ValueError( 'elements of encoding must ' 'be one of {}'.format(ENCODING_VALS) ) else: encoding = [] if ignore_length is not None and not isinstance(ignore_length, list): raise ValueError("ignore_length must be a list or None.") if ignore_length is not None: if not all([isinstance(l, bool) for l in ignore_length]): raise ValueError("ignore_length elements must be booleans.") else: ignore_length = [] max_input_arg_len = max([ len(file_type), len(rate), len(bits), len(channels), len(encoding), len(ignore_length) ]) input_format = [] for _ in range(max_input_arg_len): input_format.append([]) for i, f in enumerate(file_type): input_format[i].extend(['-t', '{}'.format(f)]) for i, r in enumerate(rate): input_format[i].extend(['-r', '{}'.format(r)]) for i, b in enumerate(bits): input_format[i].extend(['-b', '{}'.format(b)]) for i, c in enumerate(channels): input_format[i].extend(['-c', '{}'.format(c)]) for i, e in enumerate(encoding): input_format[i].extend(['-e', '{}'.format(e)]) for i, l in enumerate(ignore_length): if l is True: input_format[i].append('--ignore-length') self.input_format = input_format return self
def _validate_file_formats(input_filepath_list: List[Union[str, Path]], combine_type: CombineType): '''Validate that combine method can be performed with given files. Raises IOError if input file formats are incompatible. ''' _validate_sample_rates(input_filepath_list, combine_type) if combine_type == 'concatenate': _validate_num_channels(input_filepath_list, combine_type) def _validate_sample_rates(input_filepath_list: List[Path], combine_type: CombineType): ''' Check if files in input file list have the same sample rate ''' sample_rates = [ file_info.sample_rate(f) for f in input_filepath_list ] if not core.all_equal(sample_rates): raise IOError( "Input files do not have the same sample rate. The {} combine " "type requires that all files have the same sample rate" .format(combine_type) ) def _validate_num_channels(input_filepath_list: List[Path], combine_type: CombineType): ''' Check if files in input file list have the same number of channels ''' channels = [ file_info.channels(f) for f in input_filepath_list ] if not core.all_equal(channels): raise IOError( "Input files do not have the same number of channels. The " "{} combine type requires that all files have the same " "number of channels" .format(combine_type) ) def _build_input_format_list(input_filepath_list: List[Path], input_volumes: Optional[List[float]] = None, input_format: Optional[List[List[str]]] = None) \ -> List[str]: '''Set input formats given input_volumes. Parameters ---------- input_filepath_list : list of str List of input files input_volumes : list of float, default=None List of volumes to be applied upon combining input files. Volumes are applied to the input files in order. If None, input files will be combined at their original volumes. input_format : list of lists, default=None List of input formats to be applied to each input file. Formatting arguments are applied to the input files in order. If None, the input formats will be inferred from the file header. ''' n_inputs = len(input_filepath_list) input_format_list = [] for _ in range(n_inputs): input_format_list.append([]) # Adjust length of input_volumes list if input_volumes is None: vols = [1] * n_inputs else: n_volumes = len(input_volumes) if n_volumes < n_inputs: logger.warning( 'Volumes were only specified for %s out of %s files.' 'The last %s files will remain at their original volumes.', n_volumes, n_inputs, n_inputs - n_volumes ) vols = input_volumes + [1] * (n_inputs - n_volumes) elif n_volumes > n_inputs: logger.warning( '%s volumes were specified but only %s input files exist.' 'The last %s volumes will be ignored.', n_volumes, n_inputs, n_volumes - n_inputs ) vols = input_volumes[:n_inputs] else: vols = [v for v in input_volumes] # Adjust length of input_format list if input_format is None: fmts = [[] for _ in range(n_inputs)] else: n_fmts = len(input_format) if n_fmts < n_inputs: logger.warning( 'Input formats were only specified for %s out of %s files.' 'The last %s files will remain unformatted.', n_fmts, n_inputs, n_inputs - n_fmts ) fmts = [f for f in input_format] fmts.extend([[] for _ in range(n_inputs - n_fmts)]) elif n_fmts > n_inputs: logger.warning( '%s Input formats were specified but only %s input files exist' '. The last %s formats will be ignored.', n_fmts, n_inputs, n_fmts - n_inputs ) fmts = input_format[:n_inputs] else: fmts = [f for f in input_format] for i, (vol, fmt) in enumerate(zip(vols, fmts)): input_format_list[i].extend(['-v', '{}'.format(vol)]) input_format_list[i].extend(fmt) return input_format_list def _build_input_args(input_filepath_list: List[Path], input_format_list: List[str]) -> List[str]: ''' Builds input arguments by stitching input filepaths and input formats together. ''' # Convert pathlib.Paths to strings. input_filepath_list = [str(x) for x in input_filepath_list] if len(input_format_list) != len(input_filepath_list): raise ValueError( "input_format_list & input_filepath_list are not the same size" ) input_args = [] zipped = zip(input_filepath_list, input_format_list) for input_file, input_fmt in zipped: input_args.extend(input_fmt) input_args.append(input_file) return input_args def _validate_combine_type(combine_type: List[CombineType]): '''Check that the combine_type is valid. Parameters ---------- combine_type : str Combine type. ''' if combine_type not in COMBINE_VALS: raise ValueError( 'Invalid value for combine_type. Must be one of {}'.format( COMBINE_VALS) ) def _validate_volumes(input_volumes: List[float]): '''Check input_volumes contains a valid list of volumes. Parameters ---------- input_volumes : list list of volume values. Castable to numbers. ''' if not (input_volumes is None or isinstance(input_volumes, list)): raise TypeError("input_volumes must be None or a list.") if isinstance(input_volumes, list): for vol in input_volumes: if not core.is_number(vol): raise ValueError( "Elements of input_volumes must be numbers: found {}" .format(vol) )