
Python wrapper around the SoX library. This module requires that SoX is installed.

class sox.transform.Transformer(input_filepath, output_filepath)[source]

Audio file transformer. Class which allows multiple effects to be chained to create an output file, saved to output_filepath.


input_filepath : str

Path to input audio file.

output_filepath : str

Path to desired output file. If a file already exists at the given path, the file will be overwritten.


input_filepath (str) Path to input audio file.
output_filepath (str) Path where the output file will be written.
input_format (list of str) Input file format arguments that will be passed to SoX.
output_format (list of str) Output file format arguments that will be bassed to SoX.
effects (list of str) Effects arguments that will be passed to SoX.
effects_log (list of str) Ordered sequence of effects applied.
globals (list of str) Global arguments that will be passed to SoX.


allpass(frequency, width_q=2.0)[source]

Apply a two-pole all-pass filter. An all-pass filter changes the audio’s frequency to phase relationship without changing its frequency to amplitude relationship. The filter is described in detail in at


frequency : float

The filter’s center frequency in Hz.

width_q : float, default=2.0

The filter’s width as a Q-factor.

See also

equalizer, highpass, lowpass, sinc

bandpass(frequency, width_q=2.0, constant_skirt=False)[source]

Apply a two-pole Butterworth band-pass filter with the given central frequency, and (3dB-point) band-width. The filter rolls off at 6dB per octave (20dB per decade) and is described in detail in


frequency : float

The filter’s center frequency in Hz.

width_q : float, default=2.0

The filter’s width as a Q-factor.

constant_skirt : bool, default=False

If True, selects constant skirt gain (peak gain = width_q). If False, selects constant 0dB peak gain.

See also

bandreject, sinc

bandreject(frequency, width_q=2.0)[source]

Apply a two-pole Butterworth band-reject filter with the given central frequency, and (3dB-point) band-width. The filter rolls off at 6dB per octave (20dB per decade) and is described in detail in


frequency : float

The filter’s center frequency in Hz.

width_q : float, default=2.0

The filter’s width as a Q-factor.

constant_skirt : bool, default=False

If True, selects constant skirt gain (peak gain = width_q). If False, selects constant 0dB peak gain.

See also

bandreject, sinc

bass(gain_db, frequency=100.0, slope=0.5)[source]

Boost or cut the bass (lower) frequencies of the audio using a two-pole shelving filter with a response similar to that of a standard hi-fi’s tone-controls. This is also known as shelving equalisation.

The filters are described in detail in


gain_db : float

The gain at 0 Hz. For a large cut use -20, for a large boost use 20.

frequency : float, default=100.0

The filter’s cutoff frequency in Hz.

slope : float, default=0.5

The steepness of the filter’s shelf transition. For a gentle slope use 0.3, and use 1.0 for a steep slope.

See also

treble, equalizer


Builds the output_file by executing the current set of commands.

compand(attack_time=0.3, decay_time=0.8, soft_knee_db=6.0, tf_points=[(-70, -70), (-60, -20), (0, 0)])[source]

Compand (compress or expand) the dynamic range of the audio.


attack_time : float, default=0.3

The time in seconds over which the instantaneous level of the input signal is averaged to determine increases in volume.

decay_time : float, default=0.8

The time in seconds over which the instantaneous level of the input signal is averaged to determine decreases in volume.

soft_knee_db : float or None, default=6.0

The ammount (in dB) for which the points at where adjacent line segments on the transfer function meet will be rounded. If None, no soft_knee is applied.

tf_points : list of tuples

Transfer function points as a list of tuples corresponding to points in (dB, dB) defining the compander’s transfer function.

See also

mcompand, contrast

convert(samplerate=None, channels=None, bitdepth=None)[source]

Converts output audio to the specified format.


samplerate : float, default=None

Desired samplerate. If None, defaults to the same as input.

channels : int, default=None

Desired channels. If None, defaults to the same as input.

bitdepth : int, default=None

Desired bitdepth. If None, defaults to the same as input.

See also


equalizer(frequency, width_q, gain_db)[source]

Apply a two-pole peaking equalisation (EQ) filter to boost or reduce around a given frequency. This effect can be applied multiple times to produce complex EQ curves.


frequency : float

The filter’s central frequency in Hz.

width_q : float

The filter’s width as a Q-factor.

gain_db : float

The filter’s gain in dB.

See also

bass, treble

fade(fade_in_len=0.0, fade_out_len=0.0, fade_shape='q')[source]

Add a fade in and/or fade out to an audio file. Default fade shape is 1/4 sine wave.


fade_in_len : float, default=0.0

Length of fade-in (seconds). If fade_in_len = 0, no fade in is applied.

fade_out_len : float, defaut=0.0

Length of fade-out (seconds). If fade_out_len = 0, no fade in is applied.

fade_shape : str, default=’q’

Shape of fade. Must be one of
  • ‘q’ for quarter sine (default),
  • ‘h’ for half sine,
  • ‘t’ for linear,
  • ‘l’ for logarithmic
  • ‘p’ for inverted parabola.

See also


gain(gain_db=0.0, normalize=True, limiter=False, balance=None)[source]

Apply amplification or attenuation to the audio signal.


gain_db : float, default=0.0

Target gain in decibels (dB).

normalize : bool, default=True

If True, audio is normalized to gain_db relative to full scale. If False, simply adjusts the audio power level by gain_db.

limiter : bool, default=False

If True, a simple limiter is invoked to prevent clipping.

balance : str or None, default=None

Balance gain across channels. Can be one of:
  • None applies no balancing (default)
  • ‘e’ applies gain to all channels other than that with the
    highest peak level, such that all channels attain the same peak level
  • ‘B’ applies gain to all channels other than that with the
    highest RMS level, such that all channels attain the same RMS level
  • ‘b’ applies gain with clipping protection to all channels other
    than that with the highest RMS level, such that all channels attain the same RMS level

If normalize=True, ‘B’ and ‘b’ are equivalent.

See also

norm, loudness

highpass(frequency, width_q=0.707, n_poles=2)[source]

Apply a high-pass filter with 3dB point frequency. The filter can be either single-pole or double-pole. The filters roll off at 6dB per pole per octave (20dB per pole per decade).


frequency : float

The filter’s cutoff frequency in Hz.

width_q : float, default=0.707

The filter’s width as a Q-factor. Applies only when n_poles=2. The default gives a Butterworth response.

n_poles : int, default=2

The number of poles in the filter. Must be either 1 or 2

See also

lowpass, equalizer, sinc, allpass

loudness(gain_db=-10.0, reference_level=65.0)[source]

Loudness control. Similar to the gain effect, but provides equalisation for the human auditory system.

The gain is adjusted by gain_db and the signal equalised according to ISO 226 w.r.t. reference_level.


gain_db : float, default=-10.0

Output loudness (in dB)

reference_level : float, default=65.0

Reference level (in dB) according to which the signal is equalized. Must be between 50 and 75 (dB)

See also

gain, loudness

lowpass(frequency, width_q=0.707, n_poles=2)[source]

Apply a low-pass filter with 3dB point frequency. The filter can be either single-pole or double-pole. The filters roll off at 6dB per pole per octave (20dB per pole per decade).


frequency : float

The filter’s cutoff frequency in Hz.

width_q : float, default=0.707

The filter’s width as a Q-factor. Applies only when n_poles=2. The default gives a Butterworth response.

n_poles : int, default=2

The number of poles in the filter. Must be either 1 or 2

See also

highpass, equalizer, sinc, allpass


Normalize an audio file to a particular db level. This behaves identically to the gain effect with normalize=True.


db_level : float, default=-3.0

Output volume (db)

See also

gain, loudness

overdrive(gain_db=20.0, colour=20.0)[source]

Apply non-linear distortion.


gain_db : float, default=20

Controls the amount of distortion (dB).

colour : float, default=20

Controls the amount of even harmonic content in the output (dB).

pad(start_duration=0.0, end_duration=0.0)[source]

Add silence to the beginning or end of a file. Calling this with the default arguments has no effect.


start_duration : float

Number of seconds of silence to add to beginning.

end_duration : float

Number of seconds of silence to add to end.

See also


pitch(n_semitones, quick=False)[source]

Pitch shift the audio without changing the tempo.

This effect uses the WSOLA algorithm. The audio is chopped up into segments which are then shifted in the time domain and overlapped (cross-faded) at points where their waveforms are most similar as determined by measurement of least squares.


n_semitones : float

The number of semitones to shift. Can be positive or negative.

quick : bool, default=False

If True, this effect will run faster but with lower sound quality.

See also

bend, speed, tempo


Play a preview of the output with the current set of effects

rate(samplerate, quality='h')[source]

Change the audio sampling rate (i.e. resample the audio) to any given samplerate. Better the resampling quality = slower runtime.


samplerate : float

Desired sample rate.

quality : str

Resampling quality. One of:
  • q : Quick - very low quality,
  • l : Low,
  • m : Medium,
  • h : High (default),
  • v : Very high

silence_threshold : float

Silence threshold as percentage of maximum sample amplitude.

min_silence_duration : float

The minimum ammount of time in seconds required for a region to be considered non-silent.

buffer_around_silence : bool

If True, leaves a buffer of min_silence_duration around removed silent regions.

See also

upsample, downsample, convert

reverb(reverberance=50, high_freq_damping=50, room_scale=100, stereo_depth=100, pre_delay=0, wet_gain=0, wet_only=False)[source]

Add reverberation to the audio using the ‘freeverb’ algorithm. A reverberation effect is sometimes desirable for concert halls that are too small or contain so many people that the hall’s natural reverberance is diminished. Applying a small amount of stereo reverb to a (dry) mono signal will usually make it sound more natural.


reverberance : float, default=50

Percentage of reverberance

high_freq_damping : float, default=50

Percentage of high-frequency damping.

room_scale : float, default=100

Scale of the room as a percentage.

stereo_depth : float, default=100

Stereo depth as a percentage.

pre_delay : float, default=0

Pre-delay in milliseconds.

wet_gain : float, default=0

Amount of wet gain in dB

wet_only : bool, default=False

If True, only outputs the wet signal.

See also



Reverse the audio completely

set_globals(dither=False, guard=False, multithread=False, replay_gain=False, verbosity=2)[source]

Sets SoX’s global arguments. Overwrites any previously set global arguments. If this function is not explicity called, globals are set to this function’s defaults.


dither : bool, default=False

If True, dithering is applied for low files with low bit rates.

guard : bool, default=False

If True, invokes the gain effect to guard against clipping.

multithread : bool, default=False

If True, each channel is processed in parallel.

replay_gain : bool, default=False

If True, applies replay-gain adjustment to input-files.

verbosity : int, default=2

SoX’s verbosity level. One of:
  • 0 : No messages are shown at all
  • 1 : Only error messages are shown. These are generated if SoX
    cannot complete the requested commands.
  • 2 : Warning messages are also shown. These are generated if
    SoX can complete the requested commands, but not exactly according to the requested command parameters, or if clipping occurs.
  • 3 : Descriptions of SoX’s processing phases are also shown.
    Useful for seeing exactly how SoX is processing your audio.
  • 4, >4 : Messages to help with debugging SoX are also shown.
silence(location=0, silence_threshold=0.1, min_silence_duration=0.1, buffer_around_silence=False)[source]

Removes silent regions from an audio file.


location : int, default=0

Where to remove silence. One of:
  • 0 to remove silence throughout the file (default),
  • 1 to remove silence from the beginning,
  • -1 to remove silence from the end,

silence_threshold : float, default=0.1

Silence threshold as percentage of maximum sample amplitude. Must be between 0 and 100.

min_silence_duration : float, default=0.1

The minimum ammount of time in seconds required for a region to be considered non-silent.

buffer_around_silence : bool, default=False

If True, leaves a buffer of min_silence_duration around removed silent regions.

See also


tempo(factor, audio_type=None, quick=False)[source]

Time stretch audio without changing pitch.

This effect uses the WSOLA algorithm. The audio is chopped up into segments which are then shifted in the time domain and overlapped (cross-faded) at points where their waveforms are most similar as determined by measurement of least squares.


factor : float

The ratio of new tempo to the old tempo. For ex. 1.1 speeds up the tempo by 10%; 0.9 slows it down by 10%.

audio_type : str

Type of audio, which optimizes algorithm parameters. One of:
  • m : Music,
  • s : Speech,
  • l : Linear (useful when factor is close to 1),

quick : bool, default=False

If True, this effect will run faster but with lower sound quality.

See also

stretch, speed, pitch

treble(gain_db, frequency=3000.0, slope=0.5)[source]

Boost or cut the treble (lower) frequencies of the audio using a two-pole shelving filter with a response similar to that of a standard hi-fi’s tone-controls. This is also known as shelving equalisation.

The filters are described in detail in


gain_db : float

The gain at the Nyquist frequency. For a large cut use -20, for a large boost use 20.

frequency : float, default=100.0

The filter’s cutoff frequency in Hz.

slope : float, default=0.5

The steepness of the filter’s shelf transition. For a gentle slope use 0.3, and use 1.0 for a steep slope.

See also

bass, equalizer

trim(start_time, end_time)[source]

Excerpt a clip from an audio file, given a start and end time.


start_time : float

Start time of the clip (seconds)

end_time : float

End time of the clip (seconds)


Python wrapper around the SoX library. This module requires that SoX is installed.

class sox.combine.Combiner(input_filepath_list, output_filepath, combine_type, input_volumes=None)[source]

Audio file combiner. Class which allows multiple files to be combined to create an output file, saved to output_filepath.

Inherits all methods from the Transformer class, thus any effects can be applied after combining.


input_filepath_list : list of str

List of paths to input audio files.

output_filepath : str

Path to desired output file. If a file already exists at the given path, the file will be overwritten.

combine_type : str

Input file combining method. One of the following values:
  • concatenate : combine input files by concatenating in the
    order given.
  • merge : combine input files by stacking each input file into
    a new channel of the output file.
  • mix : combine input files by summing samples in corresponding
  • mix-power : combine input files with volume adjustments such
    that the output volume is roughly equivlent to one of the input signals.
  • multiply : combine input files by multiplying samples in
    corresponding samples.

input_volumes : list of float, default=None

List of volumes to be applied upon combining input files. Volumes are applied to the input files in order. If None, input files will be combined at their original volumes.



Executes SoX.

File info

Audio file info computed by soxi.


Number of bits per sample (0 if not applicable).


input_filepath : str

Path to audio file.


bitrate : int

number of bits per sample returns 0 if not applicable


Show number of channels.


input_filepath : str

Path to audio file.


channels : int

number of channels


Show file comments (annotations) if available.


input_filepath : str

Path to audio file.


comments : str

File comments from header. If no comments are present, returns an empty string.


Show duration in seconds (0 if unavailable).


input_filepath : str

Path to audio file.


duration : float

Duration of audio file in seconds. If unavailable or empty, returns 0.


Show the name of the audio encoding.


input_filepath : str

Path to audio file.


encoding : str

audio encoding type


Get the extension of a filepath.


filepath : str

File path.


Show detected file-type.


input_filepath : str

Path to audio file.


file_type : str

file format type (ex. ‘wav’)


Show number of samples (0 if unavailable).


input_filepath : str

Path to audio file.


n_samples : int

total number of samples in audio file. Returns 0 if empty or unavailable


Show sample-rate.


input_filepath : str

Path to audio file.


samplerate : float

number of samples/second


Input file validation function. Checks that file exists and can be processed by SoX.


input_filepath : str

The input filepath.


Input file list validation function. Checks that object is a list and contains valid filepaths that can be processed by SoX.


input_filepath_list : list

A list of filepaths.


Output file validation function. Checks that file can be written, and has a valid file extension. Throws a warning if the path already exists, as it will be overwritten on build.


output_filepath : str

The output filepath.

Core functionality

Base module for calling SoX

exception sox.core.SoxError(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Exception to be raised when SoX exits with non-zero status.

exception sox.core.SoxiError(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Exception to be raised when SoXi exits with non-zero status.


Check if a list contains identical elements.


list_of_things : list

list of objects


Wrap a filepath in double-quotes to protect difficult characters.


Check if variable is a numeric value.

Parameters:var : object[source]

Pass an argument list to play.


args : iterable

Argument list for play. The first item can, but does not need to, be ‘play’.


Pass an argument list to SoX.


args : iterable

Argument list for SoX. The first item can, but does not need to, be ‘sox’.

sox.core.soxi(filepath, argument)[source]

Base call to Soxi.


filepath : str

Path to audio file.

argument : str

Argument to pass to Soxi.


shell_output : str

command line output of Soxi